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2023 State of Product Placement Report

Audiences are watching more content than ever while showing little patience for traditional advertising techniques. Product placement allows brands to reach those consumers while connecting with audiences in an authentic way.

But don’t just take our word for it. We recently conducted a study with high-level marketing professionals and U.S. consumers with the intention of discovering

  • What brands and marketers think about product placement.
  • What consumers think about product placement.
  • What behaviors and actions consumers take place in relation to product placement.

And a small preview of what we discovered includes:

  • 93% of U.S. marketers view product placement as an effective means to drive cultural relevance and 91% see it as effective in reaching non-ad-supported audiences.
  • 75% of U.S. consumers have searched for a product or brand online after seeing it in a TV show or film with 57% going on to make a purchase
  • And so much more…

Learn more about the State of Product Placement and how it relates to brand reach and audience perceptions.

Click here to gain access to the 2023 State of Product Placement report.

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