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BENlabs Help Center

Commonly asked questions:

GENERAL Questions

Step 1 is to join the BENlabs creator database

Step 2 is to authorize BENlabs to access the important backend data that tells us which brands are the best potential partners for your channels (data like general topics you post about, what types of followers engage with your content, and which kinds of posts you share are most popular).

We generally won’t ask for media kits since our super-intelligent AI pulls out the information needed to predict successful partnerships

We welcome creators of all sizes to join the BENlabs community. That being said, creators with 10k+ followers who create authentic, relevant content tend to land the most deals. Here are keys factors brands consider:

  • Active social channels (posting 5+ times per month)
  • Engaged followers (comments, shares, likes)
  • Focused content. Know your audience and post relevant content.
  • Be brand “safe”. Be conscious of controversial language, slag, slurs, and mature content.

Campaign terms vary depending on the scope of campaign requirements. You may be working with a brand that does not require exclusivity, whitelisting, or long-term deliverables, or you might engage in a 6-month partnership with 1 a month collabs.

Don’t ignore the lower-rate partnerships! These build your reputation with our influencer marketing team, prove your channel and content performance, and can provide value adds such as product giveaways for your followers. Taking advantage of several “lower rate” partnerships and delivering results for your brand partners can land you enough $$ to cover your mortgage!

If your content is performing higher than other creator collabs with the same brand, our team might reach out to you to boost your collaboration (post, story, reel) with paid. We’ll let you know if an opportunity comes up and the steps to getting the right access.
Authorizing your channels with BENlabs helps you get more campaigns in future. It also saves you time, which means you won’t ever be asked to send screenshots of stats. Authorizing can help you get paid faster too! Your channel and settings are completely safe. We will have no access to posting on your channels or on your behalf. Authorizing BENlabs allows us to access the important backend data that tells us which brands are the best potential partners for your channels (data like general topics you post about, what types of followers engage with your content, and which kinds of posts you share are most popular).
At BENlabs we are committed to complying so we ask that all content is clearly marked for compliance. You may be asked to #ad or #partner and you also may be asked to not tag the brand when there are other brand links provided in the post. Please follow the requirements in your brief to avoid audience confusion on what link to click on.
To avoid getting the sponsored content buried, we’re asking creators not to share more than their frequent daily amount of content pieces so the brand can get the viewership they are investing for.
Unless otherwise stated, Talent will not post any other brand sponsorships on the same day in which the sponsored Content Piece(s) are posted.
Please ask your BENlabs contact person for your respective campaigns to determine if the requested timeline may fit into the campaign time period as if it falls outside of the time designated for the campaign, it may not be feasible to allocate additional time.

The Reporting System allows brands to be able to see your sponsored content insights directly as opposed to having you taking a screenshot and emailing it over to your BENlabs representative. This can also help us match you for future branded campaign opportunities. We do not have any control over your Instagram/Facebook profile and do not have any access to your private data.

If the scope of the campaign and the brand’s interest includes gaining rights over your content piece and using it (organic or paid) then this verbiage grants the brand the rights to that.

Whitelisting is the paid media amplification and retargeting of the audience through the use of the creator’s content piece obtained through Rights and Usage. For this, the creator does not need to share the content piece organically and can just create content for the brand to edit and use on Paid Media. In order for whitelisting to happen, the creator needs to grant the team Whitelisting access over Meta Business Manager.

Contracts - things you can explain and avoid redlines

Unless otherwise stated, no! Talent will keep the Content Piece(s), with the exception of Instagram Stories, live for at least one (1) year from the posting date of each Content Piece. Instagram Story shelf life is 24 hours.

Yes, just ask your BENlabs contact to provide it to you via an email request.

Creator/Agency partner has to sign the contract first.

In the event of a campaign no longer being able to continue their partnership with a a creator/agency, a kill fee, a partial payment, may be in consideration should the creator already create and submit content on the campaign but not have gone live.


We would love to be able to share your success with the brand and be able to show their Return-on-Investment in hopes to get you to be considered for future sponsorship opportunities.
We are looking to see the Impressions you have received on your Instagram Story frames. You can view these once the story set you’ve shared reaches its 24 hour shelf life. You can also connect your Instagram/Facebook to our Reporting System so we can share your insights from that campaign with the brand directly.
I’m afraid not, as not having stats shared with the brand results in an incomplete campaign with the creator/agency. Once you’ve fulfilled the necessary requirements per the contract, you’ll be able to move forward with the next steps in Payments.
Based on what has been agreed upon for View Bonus terms, you would check to see if your sponsored content has reached the View Bonus limit on that day and if it did you would send an additional invoice amount for the View Bonus to your BENlabs contact.


BenLabs payment turn times range from 45-60 days depending on your campaign. Please check your contract for payment detail.

There are currently two payment options: Paypal and ACH Once you choose a payment option that will be your permanent payment option.

As soon as content is live, stats are provided, all payment forms are submitted and contract fulfilled. For a LLC – everything has to match to be accepted (address, name etc)
Invoice Must Haves (unique #, USD, campaign name, creator name and handle)

First check your contract and make sure that its been 45 days since content went live and all required information has been submitted for payment. Next, check your email for delivery confirmation (check spam). If you still feel like there is an issue with your payment please contact BEN support
If contract is signed by an agency, then we must get payment information from the signing agency, if a creator signs the contract, payment information must be addressed to the creator.

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